About Us

About Us

Welcome To Aunt Sandy's Skinks

Story about Aunt Sandy's Skinks

I’ve been a serious animal lover since the time I could walk and talk…taught and encouraged by my Dad, an animal lover as well. I enjoy working with Blue Tongue Skinks because they are so beautiful and goofy, and who doesn’t LOVE a blue tongue! Blueys make great pets for individuals, kids, and families

Happiness is a warm pupp

The grassy plains and regular rainfall supports a huge population into attracting many predators. Save The Animals Read More.

What We Do!

Services & Offerings

Blue Tongue Skinks

I offer a variety of healthy, well established Northern Baby Blue Tongue Skinks each spring. (all captive bred Tiliqua scincoides intermedia) I spend time and energy interacting with each baby every day, to offer animals that are ready for life as a pet.

Mourning Geckos

I offer high end Mourning Geckos year round - captive bred Lepidodactylus lugubris, the Hawaiian type with High Expression.

species of isopods

I offer many species of isopods! Collect them all! Or use them as a clean up crew in your vivariums.


I offer ongoing counsel, tips, and encouragement for those purchasing animals from me - for the lifetime of the animal.

overnight shipping

I offer premium overnight shipping, from my FedEx Official Ship Center to your FedEx Official Ship Center.

Collection Counter

20 +

Blue Tongue Skinks

35 +

mourning Geckos

8 +

Isopods Species

150 +

Babies Produced